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Judaism, Zionism and Europe

Today, Jews, and especially Zionists, are the most important influential minority in the EU, and there are few European governments that are not influenced by Jews and Zionists. The cultural and identity teachings of Judaism and the current Western civilization have defined human as a being who seeks only his own well-being and security and sacrifices others for his own purposes and desires.

The Zionists and the capitalist system engaged in the old and new colonization by occupying countries and governments while now they have taken control of human beings by their media. After the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Awakening, the whole West, with the focus on global Zionism, is trying to prevent this movement and spiritual awakening since the message of the Islamic Revolution of Iran is the liberation of human beings from the domination of people and handmade ideologies while calling them to God, who is the only Creator of the universe. This message of liberation endangers all the interests of world Zionism.

The Islamic Revolutionary Documentation Center has published this book to explain the growth of Zionism and the influence of this deviant stream at all cultural, political, security, military and economic levels of the European Union, which hopes to be able to help researchers and those interested in the study of the Islamic Revolution.

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